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Located in North Texas, surrounded by excellent horse trainers that challenge each other to be the best you can be. Motivated to create horses that are enjoyable to be around and ready to do their job. 


Halter Breaking & Saddle Prep

Set your young horse up for success by sending them to kindergarten. This 30 day course covers all the basics. Learning how to give to pressure be lead around. We work on ground manners, synching up with the handler, to stand tied, and have patience. We will introduce them to a saddle and cinches. Help them with their lunging and round pen manners as well. Allow them to as prepared as possible when they go for their first ride!

 30 - 60 - 90 day options 

Rope Horse Ready 

We love an obedient rope horse who knows their job confidently. We expect our horses to be calm and comfortable in the box. To be reading the steer with a steady mind and listening to our hand so we are able to be light with our reins. We spend majority of our time breaking down the steps and basics piece by piece and rebuild their thoughts and actions of the run.

 30 - 60 - 90 day options 


Sale Prep

Horses need to look their best before going into a sale. As well as be mentally prepared for the sale environment. Allow us to show your horse loud environments and help them learn to keep a steady mind. Make them shine and glimmer in the sale pen lights.

 30 - 60 - 90 day options 

30 Day Refresher

Has your horse been a pasture ornament for a few years? Our 30 day refresher can get your friend back into the riding mindset. We will ride, desensitize, and help your horse get their manners back!

 30 - 60 day options 






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